Here are some simple steps you can take to start easy, and create a habit of expanding the value of your network by bridging gaps.
- Make a list of everyone you have exchanged email with in the past month [gmail search]
- Add to your list some personal notes: what they do for a living, their likes, hobbies, etc.
- Re-read through your list so it is fresh in your mind
- Start at the top of your list, and think of one other person that person could benefit from knowing
- If there is no immediate need for the two to know each other, find some bit of information particular to the two of them based on their job, interests, hobbies etc.
- Send the info to both of them at the same time, and ask a question you want to know the answer to. Don’t forget to tell them why you’re asking both of them. Dear Scuba experts, my brother-in-law is looking for a new XYZ, what is your experience with this model… If you can’t think of a question you genuinely want to know, just send the info and the reason why you think they’d both find it useful.
- Under each person in your notes, record you have connected the two of them, when it was, and what the topic was.
- Done with your list? Great! Add another month’s email to your list, and repeat.